Thursday, November 18, 2010

Know how to Solve Exchange Sever Error’ -338 (JET_errBadParentPageLink, Database corrupted)

Microsoft Exchange Server is a transaction-based and fault-tolerant system and thus, has much better protection against data loss as compare to other messaging applications. Despite of the fact, Exchange Server databases still get corrupt. The common reasons of corruption are abnormal system or power failure, database oversize issues (16 GB), antivirus scanning, virus attack, and application bugs. Such instances can affect any of the Information Store databases, which are Priv.edb and Pub.edb. As an administrator, your primary concern is to restore the data, which is applicable using the last backup or by repairing the database. There are several Exchange Server Repair software available that may work against if the Exchange repair utilities fail and/or backup is not available.

As one of the instances, suppose you experience an unexpected power outage with your Exchange Server computer. After this, when you start the database, you get some events (such as event 467, 9297 etc.) logging in the Application log. When you run eseutil commands to check the database integrity, it gives an error as below:
Operation terminated with error -338 (JET_errBadParentPageLink, Database corrupted)…”
If you execute isinteg command, this may result no errors.
The error -338 occurs due to corruption in parent database and is returned by directory manager. It can occur because of unexpected power failure.
You can solve the above issue by applying these measures:
  1. Check the last online backup. If available and valid, restore from it.
  2. You can create a new mailbox store and move all possible mailboxes to it
  3. If the above solutions don’t work, you can use esesuitl /r (soft recovery) and/or eseutil /p (hard recovery) commands to repair the corrupted database. The latter option can cause data loss as it deletes the corrupted pages. So, it is suggested to backup your database before applying it.
In case, none of these resolutions proves valid, you need a third-party EDB Repair utility. These software offer safe EDB Repair in each case of database corruption and have high competency to maintain the original database integrity. Moreover, these utilities are quite easy to install and use with self-explaining documentation.

Stellar Exchange Server Recovery is a reliable and advanced utility that repairs damaged or corrupted Exchange database. The high-end EDB Repair Tool supports Exchange Server 5.5, 2000, and 2003. The software implements powerful scanning mechanism and restores all the mailboxes in individual *.pst files. The tool is compatible with Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2003, and 2000.